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On some, mostly East European and Asian species of the genus Ophonus (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

B.M. Kataev

Abstract. Based on extensive and representative material, Ophonus hystrix Reitt. is treated as a polytypic species with four subspecies: O. h. hystrix (Mongolia and S Siberia), O. h. dissors Tschitsch., stat. n, (Tien Shan), O. h. kamenskii Kataev & Kabak, ssp. n. (plains of Kazakhstan) and O. h. altaiensis ssp. n. (SE Altai). A key to the subspecies of O. hystrix is provided and wing dimorphism in this species is discussed. New taxa, O. austrocaspicus Kataev & Belousov, sp. n. (SE Daghestan, E Azerbaijan, N Iran) and O. melletii hyrcanus ssp. n. (SE Azerbaijan, N Iran, SW Turkmenistan), are described and the poorly-known O. transversus Motsch. from Eurasian steppe zone is redescibed. The following new synonymies are proposed: O. puncticollis (Paykull, 1798) = O. ovipennis Motschulsky, 1844, syn. n.; O. cribricollis (Dejean, 1829) = O. obscuripes Motschulsky, 1850, syn. n.; O. rufibarbis (Fabricius, 1792) = Harpalus (Ophonus) brevicollis var. orienticola Tschitschérine, 1902, syn. n.; O. puncticeps Stephens, 1828 = Harpalus (Ophonus) brevicollis var. crebrior Tschitschérine, 1902, syn. n.; O. stricticollis Tschitschérine, 1893 = O. chinensis Tschitschérine, 1895, syn. n.; O. chlorizans Solsky, 1874 = O. pangoides Reitter, 1913, syn. n.; O. quadricollis (Dejean, 1831) = Harpalus aesculoides Jedlička, 1959, syn. n. New distributional and systemstic data about O. sciakyi Wrase, O. rebellus Schaub., O. minimus Motsch. and O. chlorizans Sols. are also presented. Lectotypes are designated for O. transversus Motsch., O. ovipennis Motsch., O. obscuripes Motsch., O. stricticollis Tschitsch., O. chinensis Tschitsch., O. pangoides Reitt., Harpalus (Ophonus) brevicollis var. orienticola Tschitsch. and H. (O.) b. var. crebrior Tschitsch.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2000, 9(1): 161–187  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 16 апреля 2001 г.

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