On the taxonomy of Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus sensu lato, based on the analysis of collection specimens (Aves: Sylviidae)

Ya.A. Red’kin & M.V. Konovalova

Abstract. The comparative analysis was performed on 749 specimens of Yellow-browed Warbler forms (Phylloscopus inornatus inornatus, Ph. i. humei, Ph. i. mandellii). Morphometrical parameters as well as the patterns of plumage coloration have been estimated. All three forms steadily differ from each other in the coloration patterns, while the dimensional parameters are greatly overlapping. The birds with intermediate features of inornatus x humei were found out to be rather numerous in their spatial contact zone. Their total number turned to be less than the number of phenotypically “pure” humei, but more than that of inornatus, while according to literature the individuals with intermediate type of song have never been recorded so far. Hence, we suppose that the hybrid birds inherit the song of either one or another form. Therefore the conclusion about species status of inornatus and humei appears to be rather ungrounded because it was based only on the results of vocalization analysis without examining of collection. We suppose that the most correct way is to consider this monophyletic group (inornaushumeimandellii) as a single polytypic species having originally a circular range.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2004, 13(1): 137–150  ▪  Published in print 28 December 2004

https://doi.org/10.31610/zsr/2004.13.1.137  ▪  Open full article  


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