Phylogeny and evolution of the genus Pratylenchus according to morphological data (Nematoda: Tylenchida)

A.Y. Ryss

Abstract. Interspecific variability of morphological characters and trends of character changes in the evolution of the genus Pratylenchus are analysed. Rows of characters (Figs 1-26) and the matrix of species and characters (Table) were composed. On the basis of the matrix, phylogenetic relations of 49 species of the genus are analysed using the PAUP software, and the consensus tree is obtained (Fig. 27). Synapomorphies (tree nodes) are described and 13 species group have been outlined. P. coffeae and the closely related species (including the type species P. pratensis (De Man) from the pratensis-coffeae group. Most of the species in the genus have the more advanced states of 9 characters (Fig. 28). Since the evolution of these characters is caused by the adaption to the migratory endoparasitism (MEP), here is considered that the MEP-specialization was the key factor both for the formation of species diversity within the genus and for its biological progress.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2001, 10(2): 257–273  ▪  Published in print 22 April 2002  ▪  Open full article  


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