Two new genera of Scolecitrichidae and redefinition of Scolecithricella Sars and Amallothrix Sars (Copepoda, Calanoida)

N.V. Vyshkvartzeva

Abstract. New genera Scolecitrichopsis gen. n. (type species Scolecithrix ctenopus Giesbrecht, 1888; which corresponds to “Scolecithrixctenopus group of Bradford et al., 1983) and Pseudoamallothrix gen. n. (type species Amallothrix profunda Brodsky, 1950; which includes 13 species previously placed in Scolecithrix, Scolecithricella or Amallothrix) are described. The type species of both new genera and the genera Scolecithricella Sars, 1902 and Amallothrix Sars, 1925 are redescribed. Lists of species placed in each of the 4 genera and a key for identification of these genera are given.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1999, 8(2): 217–241  ▪  Published in print 16 March 2000

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