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Year 2000, Volume 34, Issue 1
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Issue 1
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Issue 6
Taxonomic rank and place of Colpodellida in a system. P. 3-13.
The analysis of ultrastructure organisation and divergent processes in Colpodellida, Perkinsida, Gregarinea and Coccidea has confirmed the presence of unique basic structures in all of these organisms and the necessity to combine them into the single phylum Sporozoa. A taxonomic rank and place of Colpodellida in the system of living organisms is represented as follows: Phylum Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879; em. Krylov, Mylnikov, 1986. (Syn.: Apicomplexa Levine, 1970). Predators or parasites. Common basic structure: pellicular membranes, subpellicular microtubules, micropores, conoid, rhoptries and micronemes, tubular mitochondrial cristae. Class Perkinsea Levine, 1978. Predators or parasites, vegetative stages with two heterodynamic flagella. Subclass 1. Colpodellia nom. nov. (Syn.: Spiromonadia Krylov, Mylnikov, 1986). Predators, two heterodynamic flagella with string-like mastigonemes (if presents), division is exclusively within a cyst, with 2—4 daughter cells being produced, extrusomes are trichocyst-like. Subclass 2. Perkinsia Levine, 1978. Parasites, zoospores with two heterodynamic flagella, mastigonemes (if presents) bristle-like or string-like.
in Russian
Peculiarities of the generative material organization and prolifiration dynamics of mother sporocyst trematodes. P. 14-24.
Analysis of miracidiae germinal material organization and proliferation dynamics of mother sporocysts enabled us to divide them into three well-defined groups. The first one includes species whose miracidia possess only defferentiated (mature) generative cells and embryos of earlier stages of cleavege. In this case during parasite phase of development of maternal sporocysts the generative function is not performed. To the first group therefore trematode species with pedogenetic larvae could be attributed also. The next group embraces species whose miracidia as well as mature generated cells have some undifferentiated cells; thus the parasitic phase of mother sporocyst development acquires restricted proliferative capasity. The third group consists of species with higher trematodes dominating. They perform generative function exclusivly at parasitic phase of mother sporocyst development. Representatives of more archaic and ancient species are the bases of the first two groups on the contrary. Such type of distribution can not occur occasionally and apparently reflects first steps of emergenes of parthenogenetic generations of trematodes.
in Russian
Parasite fauna of the chum salmon. P. 25-31.
Data on a parasite fauna of the chum salmon from the Anadyr' river basin are given. 9 parasite species have been found including 3 species of medical importance.
in Russian
Final products of carbohydrate metabolism in the trematodes parasitizing in the cattle. P. 32-41.
The trematodes Eurytrema pancreaticum and Calicophoron ijimai during the incubstion in vitro assimilated glucose from the incubation medium and utilized the endogenous glycogen. Final products of the carbohydrate metabolism in the calicophorones were lactic, acatic, propionic, isobutyric and a-methylbutyric acids; in the eurytremes they were lactic, acetic, propionic, isobutyric, α-methylbutyric, valerianic and capronic acids. The effect of anthelminthic preparations on the carbohydrate metabolism and its final products was investigated.
in Russian
The conception of the parasitological typology of lakes. P. 42-49.
The parasitologucal typology of lakes is proposed (with example of the Karelia-Kola limnogical region). The characteristics of the main types of lakes with allowance of the parasitological data are given. The parasitological typology of lakes is based on studies of the parasite fauna diversity and differs from the trophical classification for lakes proposed by S. V. Gerd (1949).
in Russian
Adaptive reactions of gill parasites of the common bream (Abramis brama) and the white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) onto the influence of anthropogenic factor in the Ivan'kovo reservoir. P. 50-55.
Adaptive responses of some gill ectoparasites of the common bream Abramus brama and the white bream Blicca bjoerkna have been studied in five zones of the Ivan'kovo reservoir: in the region of favorable ecological conditions, in two eutrophic zones and in two areas under the toxic loading. It is found out, that at the respose to the pollution the infestation of fishes with most parasite species decreases. The replacement of dominant species is also can be considered as the adaptive response of parasites. It is recorded, that each examined zone with a specific ecological conditions obtains a specific parasite species grouping with a certain composition and abundance of parasite species. The monogeneans of the genus Dactylogyrus express their adaptation to incresed temperature by decrease of chitinoid structure size in attachment disc, while the copepods Ergasilus sieboldi react to this factor by faster maturation of egg sacks.
in Russian
Differences in a proventricular block formation in males and females of Xenopsilla cheopis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). P. 56-59.
Frequency of block formation was studied in Xenopsylla cheopis infected with the triptophan-dependent and the typical strains of Yersinia pestis from the Mountain-Altai natural plague focus. It was shown that the rate of blocked males in comparison with that of females was statistically higher. In experiments with the triptophan-dependent strain the frequency of blocking in males was 40.9% and exceeded that in females at four times. The highest rate of blocked males was marked at 7—10th and that of females at 21th days, the tryptophan-dependent strain did not concede to the typical strain in the ability to from a proventricular block in fleas.
in Russian
Diurnal dynamics of attacks of the mosquito Culex pipiens molestus synantropic population in a health resort "Staraya Russa". P. 60-63.
The diurnal biting activity of Culex pipiens molestus in rooms of populated houses was studied in August 1998. The higest activity was recorded at 3.00—4.00 a. m., when 25—30 females attacked one volunteer per 10 minutes.
in Russian
A life cycle of the trematode Pneumonoeces nanchangensis major (Plagiorchidae) parasitizing in lungs of frogs in the Primorye region. P. 63-66.
The life cycle of the trematode Pneumonoeces nanchangensis major includes three hosts: primary intermedial host (molluscs Helicorbis sujfunensis, Polypylis semiglobosa), secondary intermedial host (larvae of the dragonfly genus Lestes), and final host (frogs Rana nigrimaculata, R. semiplicata). Descriptions and measurements of cercariae and metacercariae are proposed.
in Russian
A distribution of Phyllodistomum umblae and Phyllodistomum folium (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae) in the excretory system of fishes. P. 66-69.
It is shown, that the distribution of Phyllodistomum umblae in the excretory system of all investigated species of salmonids has a principal similarity. The distribition of P. umblae in the excretory system of the Siberian dace and the Siberian roach is distinguished from that of P. folium.
in Russian
Entobdella hippoglossi (Monogenoidea, Capsalidae) from a perch-like fish from Pacific Ocean and new data on Sessilorbis limopharynx. P. 70-74.
A monogenean Entobdella hippoglossi (Capsalidae: Entobdellinae), a common parasite of the flat fishes (Pleuronectidae), is recorded for the first time from an ocean perch Sebastes glaucus (Scorpaenidae) in the north-east part of Pacific ocean. New data on hosts and location of Sessilorgis limopharynx (Capsalidae: Trichopodinae) are also given.
in Russian
First data on the Schistocephalus nemachili (Cestoda: Ligulidae), the parasite of the groundling in the Baikal Region. P. 74-78.
Morphological data on Schistocephalus nemachili plerocercoid (a parasite of Nemachilis babatulus) and a nucleotid sequence of its 18S rRNA are presented. Samples were collected from the groundling inhabiting the Isumrudnoe lake (karst lake, belonging to the Lena River basin, 1200 m altitude). Length of plerocercoids 37—70 mm (mean 52.9 mm), width 1.6—7.3 (3.8), number of segments in srobile — 229—348 (290). The sequence data on the 5'-terminal major domain of small rRNA of S. nemachili were obtained by mean of polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing, they displayed 574 base positions. The nucleotid sequence was compared with known Plathelminthes sequences from the EMBL data base to compute data matrix under Juke and Cantor's model (1969). Distance matrix was used for obtaining a similarity dendrogram by Saitou and Nei's method (1987). Comparative analysis showed S. nemachili nucleotide sequence clustering with the cestode sequence (E. granulosus) within the dendrogram containing four trematodes, one cestode and one turbellarian sequences.
in Russian
Воok review. P. 79.
Summary is absent.
in Russian