Comparative Cytogenetics Home Page

Instructions to authors

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Comparative Cytogenetics is a peer-reviewed English-language journal publishing papers on classical cytogenetics, karyosystematics, and molecular systematics of all groups of plants and animals from all regions of the world.

Papers concerning descriptions and photos of karyotypes, characteristics of mitosis and meiosis, micro- and macrogametogenesis, modes of reproduction, mechanisms of sex determination and taxonomic conclusions are preferred.

The journal has a matter size 16 x 22 cm and is printed on A4 paper. Text should be typewritten in MS Word, spacing 1.5 line, font Times New Roman, size 12. The format of papers: title, author(s)` name(s), postal address(es) and e-mail(s) of all authors; body of the paper (excluding reviews and short reports): Abstract, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.

A list of figures is given after the References together with the text of the manuscript. Figures and Tables are given as separate files. Photos and figures (.tif or .jpg or .cdr, 600 dpi, "Grayscale" mode [for black-and-white photos and figures] and "RGB Color" [for colour photos and figures]) must be sent by e-mail or regular mail or submitted as high-quality photographic prints. It is strongly recommended to prepare all schematic drawings (phylogenetic trees, designations of discs on polythene chromosomes, etc.) as CorelDraw files. Only the scale bar should be placed on the figures. The value of scale should be indicated in figure legend. Figures and tables should be clearly referred as: Fig. 1, Figs 1-5, Table 1, Tables 2-3 etc. Each table, figure or group of figures should be planned to fit into the area of either one or two column of the text. The dimension of printed page should be taken into consideration - the maximum size of a one-column figure should be 75 x 215 mm, two-column illustration - 160 x 215 mm (dimension of a whole printed page).

All scientific names of the generic and specific rank are given in italics. If mentioned first, they should be followed by the author`s name (authors` names) and year of publication. Taxonomic conclusions must be consistent with the International Codes of Zoological/Botanical Nomenclature. The groups of sibling species must be named according to binominal nomenclature, e.g. Chironomus plumosus group or Ch. plumosus group, not "plumosus" group!