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E. Mico et al. Taxonomy of Iberian Hoplia (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Hopliinae) based on mtDNA analysis

E. Mico, O. Piau, E. Galante, and J.P. Lumaret
Taxonomy of Iberian Hoplia (Col., Scarabaeoidea, Hopliinae) based on mtDNA analysis.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2003, 26: 348-353.


The morphology of some Hoplia species (Scarabaeoidea: Hopliinae) is so variable that parapatric populations have often been considered different species or subspecies. In this study we analyze the nucleotide sequences of a fragment of mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of six species and two subspecies of Palaearctic Hoplia to reexamine the species limits. Based on the analysis of sequences from COI and morphological and ecological observations, we consider Hoplia freyi Baraud to be a junior synonym of Hoplia chlorophana Erichson and H. philanthus ramburi Heyden to be a junior synonym of H. philanthus philanthus (Fuessly) . However, complete resolution of relationships among H. philanthus subspecies requires the addition of sequences from genes evolving faster than COI. Phylogenetic relationships among the species studied are discussed.


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