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К.В. Макаров: "Личинки трибы Scaritini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) фауны России и сопредельных стран"

К.В. Макаров
Личинки трибы Scaritini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) фауны России и сопредельных стран
[Larvae of the Scaritini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Russian and adjacent land]
Russian Entomol. J., 2005, 14(3): 155-197 (RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2005)
KEYWORDS: larvae, morphology, adaptations, chaetotaxy, new subgenus, key, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritini.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: личинки, морфология, хетотаксия, новый подрод, определитель, адаптации, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritini.
ABSTRACT. Basing on the study of the collections stored in Zoological Institutute, St.-Petersburg and Moscow Pedagogical State University the larvae of Scarites angustus (Chaudoir,1855) and Scarites laevigatus Fabricius, 1775 were originally described, but the larvae of Scarites planus Bonelli, 1813, Scarites terricola Bonelli, 1813, Scarites eurytus Fischer von Waldheim, 1825 and Scarites bucida (Pallas,1778) were redescribed using the data on the chaetotaxy. On the basis of these data and taking in to consideration some imaginal features the new subgenus Paradistichus Makarov, subgen.n. [the type species - Scarites angustus (Chaudoir, 1855)] is established. It is characterized by the specific combination of some imaginal features (pronotum with 2 pairs of lateral setae, metasternum with 3 - 5 pairs of setae, metacoxa with 3 setae, abdominal sternites without transversal furrows, mesotibia with one large spur) and several larval traits (nasale narrow protruding, the setae FR10 and FR11 drawn together, supraocellar furrow turns on ventral surface into the long oblique carina, third antennal joint with large flat sensorium, apical spurs on femora and tibia of common shape, short setae UN1 and UN2 situated in basal third of claws, claws very long). Diagnoses of the tribe, genera and subgenera based on larval characters as well as the keys for subgenera of Scaritini larvae of Russia and adjacent lands are given.

Полная копия статьи в файле REJ_14-3_165-197.pdf