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Г.Ш. Лафер, А.Н. Нильсон & С.К. Холин: Дополнительные данные и новые синонимы скакунов и жужелиц...

Г.Ш. Лафер, А.Н. Нильсон & С.К. Холин

Дополнительные данные и новые синонимы жуков-скакунов и жужелиц (Coleoptera) c острова Сахалин, Дальний Восток России
Entomologica Fennica, 1997, Vol. 8: 13-17. Биолого-почвенный институт ДВО РАН, г. Владивосток; Department of Animal Ecology, Universiy Umea, Umea, Sweden. Additional records and new synonyms of Cicindelidae and Carabidae (Coleoptera) from the Island of Sakhalin in the Russian Far East German Sh. Lafer, Anders N. Nillson & Sergei K. Kholin Entomologica Fennica, 1997, 18 April 1997, Vol. 8: 13-17. Abstract Faunistic records of three cicindelid and 47 carabid beetles species are given for the Island of Sakhalin in the Russian Far East. Most records refer to a material collected in 1993 and 1994 in SW Sakhalin by the two junior authors. The following five carabid species are here reported from Sakhalin for the first time: Bembidion chloropus Bates, Pterostichus neglectus A. Mora- witz, Agonum jankowskii Lafer, A. piceum (Linnaeus) and Microlestes minutulus (Goeze). The gross distributions of all mentioned species are given, with special emphasis on the Far East. The folliwing syn. nov. are given: Pterostichus (Euryperis) eximius A. Morawitz, 1862; = crassiceps A. Morawitz, 1962; = rudnicus Jedlicka, 1968; = obliquefasciatus Jedlicka, 1962; = prochazkorum Jedlicka, 1967; = sakhalinensis Kirschenhofer, 1985).

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