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А.Г. Кирейчук, А.А. Прокин. 2018. Положение палеозойского рода Tunguskagyrus... (Triaplidae)...

А.Г. Кирейчук

A.G. Kirejtshuk, A.A. Prokin. 2018.
The Position of the Palaeozoic Genus Tunguskagyrus Yan, Beutel et Lawrence in the Family Triaplidae sensu n. (Coleoptera, Archostemata: Schizophoroidea).
Entomological Review, 2018, 98, 7: 872-882.

Re-examination of the late Permian Tunguskagyrus planus Yan, Beutel et Lawrence, 2018 has shown that it does not belong to the family Gyrinidae (Adephaga) but should be placed in the family Triaplidae sensu n. (Archostemata) as a congener to "Triaplus" sibiricus Volkov, 2013 (Tunguskagyrus sibiricus (Volkov, 2013), comb. n.). Both these Palaeozoic species, in contrast to the Triassic members of Triaplus Ponomarenko, 1977, have no large metacoxal femoral plates and, therefore, would be better placed apart from the Mesozoic representatives of Triaplus (in a different genus). The synonymy of the family names Triaplidae Ponomarenko, 1977 (= Catiniidae Ponomarenko, 1968, syn. n., nom. praeocc., non Catiniidae Bocquet et Stock, 1957 (Crustacaea, Copepoda), = Coleocatiniidae Ponomarenko et Prokin, 2015, syn. n.) is established. Thus, the family now comprises Avocatinus Ponomarenko, 1969, Catinius Ponomarenko, 1968, Catinoides Ponomarenko, 1969, Macrocatinius Ponomarenko, 1969, Triaplus Ponomarenko, 1977, Triassocatinius Ponomarenko, 1969 and Tunguskagyrus Yan, Beutel et Lawrence, 2018.

PDF-файл: A.G. Kirejtshuk, A.A. Prokin. 2018.pdf