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2-й Симпозиум по биоразнообразию Гималаев

Редакционная коллегия cайта с удовлетворением сообщает, что 1-й симпозиум по биоразнообразию и природным ресурсам Гималаев (извещение о нем было заблаговременно размещено на нашем сайте) имел успех и на следующий год намечено проведение 2-го симпозиума. Коллегия надеется, что в его работе примут участие и посетители нашего сайта, в том числе и коллеги из СНГ и жители Северной Азии. Ниже приводится текст первого циркуляра Оргкомитета нового симпозиума. Всех, кто заинтересуется перспективой участия в этом интересном мероприятии, просим обращаться к Меттьюсу Хартманну.

Перед проведением 2-го симпозиума на нашем сайте была опубликована его программа, а после того, как он состоялся, мы сделали оригинальный интерактивный отчет с фотографиями всех докладчиков и тезисами всех докладов.

First circular of the 2nd symposium of
"Biodiversity and Natural Heritage of the Himalaya"

The Natural History Museum of Erfurt (NME) is projecting the 2nd
international scientific meeting about the subject

"Biodiversity and Natural Heritage of the Himalaya "

from April 08th to April 10th 2005

Organizer: Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, GroЯe Arche 14, D-99084 Erfurt, Germany
Conference venue: Historical town hall of  the Thuringian capital Erfurt

Friday, 08.04.2005:
      from 15.00: arrival / announcement at the conference bureau (NME,
                  Grosse Arche 14)
      19.00: public presentation to the subject "Natural and Cultural Spaces
             in the Himalayan Mountains" (Prof. Dr. G. Miehe, University of
      from 21.00: discussions and reflections in a near restaurant

Saturday, 09.04.05:
      9.30 - 17.30 presentations (including lunch and coffee break)
      from ca. 20.00 -  social gathering in a near restaurant

Sunday, 10.04.05:
      9.30 - 12.00 presentations     
      end of the meeting: 12.00

Presentations to all fields of botany, zoology, ecology, geology, geography
and anthropology are invited (e.g. systematics/taxonomy, phylogenetics,
faunistics, biogeography, plant sociology, soil sciences). Poster
presentations will be arranged. Conference language will be German and

The length of the presentations may vary from 15 to 30 minutes.

We kindly request all interested colleagues for their timely announcement.

The NME and its furtherance society expect the edition of a second volume
concerned with the subject on Himalayan Biodiversity. Original scientific
papers can be submitted probably up to 15.11.2005. Text length is to be
agreed with the editorial staff, papers concerning the collections of the
NME will be preferred. We kindly request for early submission of manuscripts
also written in any other than the conference language.

Anyone willing to support quality and speed of publishing the special volume
edition by a financial grant will get a donation receipt and a special
mention in the forthcoming edition.

Please send your ANNOUNCEMENTS of presentations 
until 15th  August 2004 
to Matthias Hartmann, 
Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, Grosse Arche 14, D-99084 Erfurt
per e-mail:

We will reserve moderate-prized accommodation on request. Please send the
datas of reservations timely.

The first volume of the subject is already published an can be order by the
same adress given above. 
For contents information please contact M. Hartmann.

Matthias Hartmann
Curator Entomology
Naturkundemuseum Erfurt
Grosse Arche 14
D-99084 Erfurt
T.: +49 361 655 5682
F.: +49 361 655 5689