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A. Bukejs. 2013. Catalogue of Latvian leaf-beetles (Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae & Chrysomelidae)

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Andris Bukejs. 2013.
Catalogue of Latvian leaf-beetles (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae & Chrysomelidae).
Latvijas Entomologs, 2013, 52: 3-57.

Ôàéë PDF: bukejs_2013_leaf-beetles.pdf

Fragment of paper.
At the moment of publishing of this catalogue (March 2013), 5 species of Megalopodidae, 1 species of Orsodacnidae and 320 species of Chrysomelidae are confirmed in Latvian fauna. The number of known species of Chrysomelidae s. l. in adjacent territories slightly varies: Belarus - 350 species (Alexandrovitch et al. 1996; Barsevskis 2001; Lopatin, Nesterova 2005), Estonia - 267 species (Silfverberg 2010a; Bukejs 2012), Lithuania - 317 species (Tamutis et al. 2011; Bukejs et al. 2012), Kaliningrad region (Russian enclave in Central Europe) - 280 (Alekseev 2003; Bukejs, Alekseev 2009, 2012; Alekseev, Bukejs 2010, 2011; Alekseev et al. 2012).