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Illustrated classification of beetles

Andrei Lobanov, Michael Dianov

The method, demonstrated below, for presenting the multi-level hierarchical classifications by means of illustrations of the lowest taxa was developed by us specially for CD-ROM "The World of Beetles" (that program was called "Gallery of images". Using HTML it is even simpler to present the classification. The problems are maximum automatization of the process of generation of unified HTML - pages from data base and in preparing a large number of good images. As these problems are resolved illustrated presentation of one of our classifications of Coleoptera will become complete, and so far we offer only a small fragment of classification of beetle families.

This original set of hypertext pages allows the user to easily move through the tree of classification of taxa and illustrates every higher taxon as a set of images of the lowest taxa (in this case species) comprising it. The program is an ideal means of study of classification by students.

The way gone by the user up to the current branching (names of taxa - from the highest rank up to the current one) is demonstrated in the upper part of the table. Indicated in the same place is the taxonomic rank of the current taxon. For managing the program the "mouse" only is used. Clicking on the left button of the mouse in the window of one of the illustrated taxa (or on its name) causes transfer to that branch of classification and descending to a lower taxonomic level. Return back to one of the branchings already gone through is performed by clicking on the name of one of the higher taxa in the title of the table.

Exit from the described subarray of pages (return to that page) is on the first page of the classification - above the table showing division of Coleoptera into suborders.