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M. Jaech, A. Prokin: Faunistic notes on Hydraenidae, Elmidae, Dryopidae of the Middle Russian Steppe...

Manfred A. JAECH & A. A. PROKIN
Faunistic notes on the Hydraenidae, Elmidae, and Dryopidae of the Middle Russian Forest-Steppe Zone (Coleoptera)
Entomological Problems, 35(1): 5-10, June 2005


The Hydraenidae, Elmidae, and Dryopidae of the Middle Russian Forest-Steppe Zone are reviewed faunistically. The ocurrence of 11 species of Hydraenidae, five species of Elmidae, and five species of Dryopidae is confirmed herein. The ocurrence of two species of Hydraenidae, Limnebius truncatellus (THUNBERG, 1794) and Ochthebius (s.str.) pusillus STEPHENS, 1835, which were recorded from the Middle Russian Forest-Steppe Zone by KHARIN (1928), could not be confirmed by the present study.

Key words: Coleoptera, water beetles, Hydraenidae, Elmidae, Dryopidae, Russia, Middle Russian Forest-Steppe Zone.

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