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M.A. Lazarev. 2019. A new genus of the tribe Cerambycini and a new species of the genus Neocerambyx...

М.А. Лазарев

M.A. Lazarev. 2019.
A new genus of the tribe Cerambycini and a new species of the genus Neocerambyx Thomson, 1861 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from China.
[Лазарев М.А. Новый род трибы Cerambycini и новый вид рода Neocerambyx Thomson, 1861 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) из Китая].
Humanity space, International almanac, 2019. VOL. 8, No 9: 1193-1197.

Файл PDF: lazarev_2019_new_genus_tribe_cerambycini_and_new_species_genus_neocerambyx_from_china.pdf