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Тезисы докладов международной встречи по преимагинальным стадиям жуков - IBM'2007 (Прага, 2007 г.)

Abstracts of the Immature Beetles Meeting 2007, October 4-5, 
Prague, Czech Republic

Martin FIKACEK, Jiri SKUHROVEC & Petr SIPEK (editors) 

Volume 47, pp. 287-306 ISSN 0374-1036 

Published 4.xii.2007 

The second Immature Beetles Meeting was held during 
October 4-5, 2007 in Prague as a continuation of a 
much smaller get-together of people interested in 
the immature stages of Coleoptera which was organized 
in Prague in 2006. 
The meeting took place at the Faculty of Science, 
Charles University, in cooperation with the National Museum 
in Prague and the Crop Research Institute in Prague. 
Altogether 27 participants from Europe and North America 
attended the meeting, including two pre-graduate students 
from the Montana State University, USA, 
and Charles University, Czech Republic. 

The official programme consisted of 15 short lectures 
whose abstracts are presented below in alphabetical order. 
Coffee breaks and a joint lunch in a nearby restaurant 
provided a handy opportunity for informal discussions of 
the lectures and individual research projects and 
interests of the participants. 
During both evenings, most people continued in a slightly 
more relaxed setting in a pub over a glass (or perhaps two) 
of Czech beer. 

To sum up, the meeting seemed to be very fruitful. 
Vasily Grebennikov wrote us in an e-mail just after the meeting: 
"the meeting was large enough to be called a conference, and 
small enough to meet people in a family manner and talk to them, 
i.e. very good in both professional and personal dimensions", 
and we sincerely hope that everyone else thought favourably 
of it as well! 

All participants agreed that the IBM meetings should be 
held regularly at two year intervals. 
The next one is planned for the autumn of 2009. Details 
about the forthcoming meeting will 
be available on the Immature Beetles Meeting web pages at, 
together with the photos and abstracts of the past 
meetings. Please contact us if you need further information. 

Organizers of the Immature Beetles Meeting:
Martin Fikacek (
Jiri Skuhrovec (
Petr Sipek (

The list of participiants of the Immature Beetles Meeting 2007:

Ahrens, Dirk (Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munchen, Germany) 

Bily, Svatopluk (National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Bocak, Ladislav (Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) 

Bocakova, Milada (Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) 

Bohac, Jaroslav (University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) 

Delgado, Juan (Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain) 

Di Giulio, Andrea (University "Roma Tre", Roma, Italy) 

Fikacek, Martin (National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Grebennikov, Vasily V. (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Canada) 

Hajek, Jiri (National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Hlavac, Peter (Kosice, Slovakia) 

Ilcikova, Anna (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Ivie, Michael A. (Montana State University, Bozeman, USA) 

Jansta, Petr (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Jelinek, Josef (National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Kilian, Aleksandra (University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland) 

Knapp, Michal (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Knizek, Milos (Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Kolibac, Jiri (Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic) 

Kral, David (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Maier, Crystal (Montana State University, Bozeman, USA) 

Perreau, Michel (Universite Paris 7, Paris, France) 

Prokop, Jakub (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Rezkova, Katerina (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Saska, Pavel (Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Skuhrovec, Jiri (Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic) 

Solodonikov, Alexey Yu. (Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Sipek, Petr (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

Svacha, Petr (Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) 

Volkovitsh, Mark G. (Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sankt Petersburg, Russia) 

The abstracts should be cited as follows: AHRENS D. & VOGLER A. 2007: DNA taxonomy and immature insects - the easy way of species identification? P. 291. In: FIKACEK M., SKUHROVEC J. & SIPEK P. (eds.): Abstracts of the Immature Beetles Meeting 2007, October 4-5, Prague, Czech Republic. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 47: 287-306.

Полная копия статьи в файле формата PDF: IBMabstracts2007.pdf (0.75 Mb)