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Приглашение к участию в специальн. выпуске журнала "Вестник зоологии", посвященном памяти В.Г.Долина

Украинский Институт зоологии имени И.И.Шмальгаузена и Украинское энтомологическое общество решили посвятить в 2004 году последний номер известного журнала "Вестник зоологии" памяти выдающегося колеоптеролога Владимира Гдалича Долина. Ниже мы публикуем текст обращения редакции журнала с приглашением принять участие в мемориальном номере в качестве автора.

Dear Colleagues,

The I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology and the Ukrainian Entomological Society are going to dedicate this year's last number of the journal "Vestnik Zoologii" to the memory of the prominent Ukrainian entomologist, President of the Ukrainian Entomological Society and head of the Department of Faunistics and Systematics of Insects, Professor Vladimir Gdalich DOLIN.

On behalf of the editorial board of "Vestnik Zoologii" I kindly invite you to take part in this publication. We should greatly appreciate if you could submit a paper with a content relevant to this special issue (descriptions of new taxa named for V. G. DOLIN or of new taxa based upon material he collected, revisions in the genera or groups of species he has made important contributions to, catalogue of type specimens of species he has described, bibliography, etc.).

We realize that time is very short, however we do hope that you shall find enough time to submit your contribution to this special issue before October 15, 2004.

Herewith we send you the recommendations for authors, and an example of a paper, with standard styles and layout of "Vestnik Zoologii". You can simply type your name, title of the paper, its text and references in this form. In this way you will facilitate edition of the paper.

The contributions may be written in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German or French, but in the three latter cases we should appreciate if the text is edited or reviewed by a peer entomologist, whose mother tongue is either English, German or French respectively (even if this is your native language).

Please do not hesitate to contact me by this e-mail address in the case of any questions concerning this topic.

Looking forward to seeing your contributions soon,
Senior Research Scientist: Laboratory of Biogeography,
the I. I Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine;
Scientific Advisory Editor: "Vestnik Zoologii"

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