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Jeffrey Russell Coope: ïîëíûé ñïèñîê ïóáëèêàöèé

Aalto, M.M., Coope, G.R., Gibbard, P.L., 1984. Late Devensian river deposits beneath the Floodplain Terrace of the River Thames at Abingdon, Berkshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 95, 65-79.

Allen, J. R. M., Scourse, J. D., Hall, A. R., Coope, G. R., 2009. Palaeoenvironmental context of the Late-glacial woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) discoveries at Condover, Shropshire, UK. Geological Journal 44, 414-446.

Ashton, N., Lewis, S. G., Parfitt, S. A., Penkman, K. E. H., Coope, G. R., 2008. New evidence for complex climate change in MIS 11 from Hoxne, Suffolk, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 652B668.

Atkinson, T.C., Briffa, K.R., Coope, G.R., Joachim, M., Perry, D.W., 1986. Climatic calibration of coleopteran data. In Berglund, B. (Ed.), Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley, New York, pp. 851-858.

Atkinson, T.C., Briffa, K.R. Coope, G.R., 1987. Seasonal temperatures in Britain during the last 22,000 years, reconstructed using beetle remains. Nature 325, 587-592.

Bell, F.G., Coope, G.R., Rice, R., Riley, T., 1972. Mid-Weichselian fossil-bearing deposits at Syston, Leicestershire. Proceedings of the Geological Association 83, 197-211.

Bishop, W.W., Coope, G.R., 1977. Stratigraphical and faunal evidence for Lateglacial and Early Flandrian environments in south-west Scotland. In: Gray, J.M., Lowe, J.J. (Eds.), Studies in the Scottish Lateglacial Environment. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 61-88.

Bohncke, S., Vandenberghe, J., Coope, G.R., Reiling, R., 1987. Geomorphology and palaeoecology of the Mark valley (southern Netherlands): palaeoecology, palaeohydrology and climate during the Weichselian Late Glacial. Boreas 16, 69-85.

Bray, P.J., Blockley, S.P.E., Coope, G.R., Dadswell, L.F., Elias, S.A., Lowe, J.J., Pollard, A.M., 2006. Refining mutual climatic range (MCR) quantitative estimates of palaeotemperature using ubiquity analysis. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1865-1876.

Briant, R.M., Coope, G.R., Preece, R.C., Keen, D.H., Boreham, S., Griffiths, H.I., Seddon, M.B., Gibbard, P.L., 2004. Fluvial system response to Late Devensian (Weichselian) aridity, Baston, Lincolnshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 19, 479-495.

Bridgland, D.R., Allen, T., Coope, G.R., Gibbard, P.L., Wrayton, R., 1994. Great Totham (Lofts Farm pit; TL 866092). In: Bridgland, D.R. (Ed.), Quaternary of the Thames. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 376-385.

Bridgland, D.R., Preece, R.C., Roe, H.M., Tipping, R.M., Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Robinson, J.E., Schreve, D.C., Crowe, K., 2001. Middle Pleistocene interglacial deposits at Barling, Essex, England: evidence for a longer chronology for the Thames terrace sequence. Journal of Quaternary Science 16, 813-840.

Briggs, D.J., Coope, G.R. Gilbertson, D.D., 1975a. Late Pleistocene terrace deposits at Beckford, Worcestershire, England. Geological Journal 10, 1-16.

Briggs, D.J., Coope, G.R., Gilbertson, D.D., 1985. The chronology and environmental framework of Early Man in the Upper Thames Valley. British Archaeological Reports 137.

Buckland, P.C., Coope, G.R., Sadler, J.P., 2009b. Bibliography of Quaternary Entomology. In: Buckland, P.C. and Buckland, P.I. (Eds.), Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (Versions: BugsCEP v7.63; Bugsdata v7.11; BugsMCR v2.02; BugStats v1.22)

Cappers, R.T.J., Bosch, J.H.A., Bottema, S., Coope, G.R., Geel, B. van, Mook-Kamps, E., Woldring, H., 1993. De reconstructie van het landschap. [Landscape reconstruction]. In: van der Sanden, W.A.B., Cappers, R.T.J., Beuker, J.R., Mol, D. (Eds.), Mens en mammoet. De mammoeten van Orvelte en de vroegste van Noord-Nederland. [People and mammoths. The mammoth from Orvelte in northern Netherlands]. Drents Museum., Drents, The Netherlands, pp. 27-41. [In Dutch]

Candy, I., Coope, G. R., Lee, J. R., Parfitt, S. A., Preece, R. C., Rose, J., Schreve, D. C., 2010. Pronounced warmth during early Middle Pleistocene interglacials: investigating the Mid-Brunhes Event in the British terrestrial sequence. Earth Science Reviews 103, 183-196.

Coope, G.R., 1959. A Late Pleistocene insect fauna from Chelford, Cheshire. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 151, 70-86.

Coope, G.R., 1961. On the study of glacial and interglacial insect faunas. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 172, 62-71.

Coope, G.R., 1962a. Coleoptera from a peat interbedded between two boulder clays at Burnhead near Airdrie. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow 24, 279-286.

Coope, G.R., 1962b. A Pleistocene coleopterous fauna with arctic affinities from Fladbury, Worcestershire. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal 118, 103-123.

Coope, G.R., 1965. Fossil insect faunas from Late Quaternary deposits in Britain. Advancement of Science, March, 1965, 564-575.

Coope, G.R., 1968a. Coleoptera from the "Arctic Bed" at Barnwell Station, Cambridge. Geological Magazine 105, 482-486.

Coope, G R., 1968b. An insect fauna from Mid-Weichselian deposits at Brandon, Warwickshire. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 254, 425-456.

Coope, G.R., 1968c. Fossil beetles collected by James Bennie from Lateglacial silts at Corstorphine, Edinburgh. Scottish Journal of Geology 4, 339-348.

Coope, G.R., 1968d. Insect remains from silts below till at Garfield Heights, Ohio. Geological Society of America Bulletin 79, 753-756.

Coope, G.R., 1969. Insect remains from Mid-Weichselian deposits at Peelo, the Netherlands. Med. Rijks Geol. Dienst NS 20, 79-83.

Coope, G.R., 1970. Interpretations of Quaternary insect fossils. Annual Review of Entomology 15, 97-120.

Coope, G.R., 1971a. The fossil coleoptera from Glen Ballyre and their bearing upon the interpretation of Lateglacial environments. In Thomas, G. P. S. (Ed.), Field Guide to the Isle of Man. Quaternary Research Association, Liverpool, pp. 13-15.

Coope, G.R., 1971b. Insecta. In: Colhoun, E.A., Mitchell, G.F. (Eds.), Interglacial Marine Formation and Lateglacial Freshwater Formation in Shortalstown Townland, Co. Wexford. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 71, 234-238.

Coope, G.R., 1973. Tibetan species of dung beetle from Late Pleistocene deposits in England. Nature 245, 335-336.

Coope, G.R., 1974a. Interglacial Coleoptera from Bobbitshole, Ipswich, Suffolk. Journal of the Geological Society 130, 333-340.

Coope, G.R., 1974b. Report on the Coleoptera from Wretton. In: West, R.G., Dickson, C.A., Catt, J.A., Weir, A.H., Sparks, B.W., (Eds.), Late Pleistocene deposits at Wretton, Norfolk. II. Devensian deposits. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 267, 414-418.

Coope, G.R., 1975. Climatic fluctuations in northwest Europe since the Last Interglacial, indicated by fossil assemblages of Coleoptera. Geological Journal Special Issue 6, 153-168.

Coope, G.R., 1976. Assemblages of fossil Coleoptera from terraces of the Upper Thames near Oxford. Quaternary Research Association, Field Guide to the Oxford Region, 20-23.

Coope, G.R., 1977a. Fossil Coleopteran assemblages as sensitive indicators of climatic changes during the Devensian (Last) cold stage. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 280, 313-340.

Coope, G.R., 1977b. Coleoptera as clues to the understanding of climatic changes in North Wales towards the end of the last (Devensian) Glaciation. Cambria 4, 65-72.

Coope, G.R., 1978. Constancy of insect species versus inconstancy of Quaternary environments. In: Mound, L.A., Waloff, N. (Eds.), Diversity of Insect Faunas. Royal Entomological Society of London Symposium 9, 176-187.

Coope, G.R., 1979. Late Cenozoic fossil Coleoptera: evolution, biogeography and ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 10, 247-267.

Coope, G.R., 1980. Appendix 1. Coleoptera from Lateglacial and Early Flandrian deposits at Folkestone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 291, 38-39.

Coope, G.R., 1981. Report on the coleoptera from an eleventh-century house at Christ Church Place, Dublin. In: Bekker-Nielson, H., Foote, P., Olsen, O. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress (1977). Odense University Press, Odense, Denmark, pp. 51-56.

Coope, G.R., 1982. Coleoptera from two Late Devensian sites in the lower Colne Valley, West London, England. Quaternary Newsletter 38, 1-6.

Coope, G.R., 1986. Coleoptera analysis. In: Berglund, B.E. (Ed.), Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley, New York, pp. 703-713.

Coope, G.R., 1987a. Fossil beetle assemblages as evidence for sudden and intense climatic changes in the British Isles during the last 45,000 years. In: Berger, W.H., Labeyrie , L.D. (Eds.), Abrupt Climatic Change. Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 147-150.

Coope, G.R., 1987b.The response of late Quaternary insect communities to sudden climatic changes. In: Gee, J.H.R., Giller, P.S. (Eds.), Organization of Communities. 27th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Aberystwyth, pp. 421-438.

Coope, G.R., 1988. Lateglacial climates in northwestern Europe interpreted from beetle assemblages. Program & Abstracts of the 10th biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association, Amherst, Massachusetts, 16.

Coope, G.R., 1989. Coleoptera from the Lower Channel, Brandon. In: Keen, D.H. (Ed.), West Midlands Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge, 27-28.

Coope, G.R., 1990.The invasion of northern Europe during the Pleistocene by Mediterranean species of Coleoptera. In: di Castri, F., Hansen, A.J., Debussche, M., (Eds.), Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 203-215.

Coope, G.R., 1994. The response of insect faunas to glacial-interglacial climatic fluctuations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 344, 19-26.

Coope, G.R., 1995a. The Effects of Quaternary Climatic Changes on Insect Populations: Lessons from the Past. In: Harrington, R., Stork, N.E. (Eds.), Insects in a changing environment. Academic Press, London, pp. 29-48.

Coope, G.R., 1995b. The Effects of Quaternary Climatic Changes on Insect Populations: Lessons from the Past. In: Harrington, R., Stork, N.E. (Eds.), Insects in a Changing Environment. Academic Press, London, pp. 29-48.

Coope, G.R., 1998. Insects. In: Preece, R.C., Bridgeland, D.R. (Eds.), Late Quaternary environmental change in North-west Europe: Excavations at Holywell Coombe, South-east England. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 213-233.

Coope, G.R., 2000a. Coleoptera from Beeston and West Runton, Norfolk. In: Lewis, S.G. Whiteman, C.A., Preece, R.C. (Eds.), The Quaternary of Norfolk & Suffolk. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 73-76.

Coope, G.R., 2000b. Middle Devensian (Weichselian) coleopteran assemblages from Earith, Cambridgeshire (UK) and their bearing on the interpretation of ÑFull glacialÒ floras and faunas. Journal of Quaternary Science 15, 779-788.

Coope, G.R., 2001. Biostratigraphical distinction of interglacial coleopteran assemblages from southern Britain attributed to Oxygen Isotope Stages 5e and 7. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 1717-1722.

Coope, G.R., 2006. Insect faunas associated with Palaeolithic industries from five sites of pre-Anglian age in central England. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1738-1754.

Coope, G.R., 2007a. Coleoptera from the 2003 excavations of the mammoth skeleton at Niederweningen, Switzerland. Quaternary International 164-165, 130-138.

Coope, G.R., 2007b. Beetle records: Middle Pleistocene of Europe. In: Elias, S.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 172-179.

Coope, G. R., 2010. Coleopteran faunas as indicators of interglacial climates in central and southern England. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 1507-1514.

Coope, G.R., Angus, R.B., 1975. An ecological study of a temperate interlude in the middle of the Last glaciation, based on fossil Coleoptera from Isleworth, Middlesex. Journal of Animal Ecology 44, 365-391.

Coope, G.R., Böcher, J., 2000. Coleoptera from the Late Weichselian deposits at Nørre Lyngby, Denmark and their bearing on palaeoecology, biogeography and palaeoclimate. Boreas, 29, 26-34.

Coope, G.R., Brophy, J., 1972. Lateglacial environmental changes indicated by a coleopteran succession from North Wales. Boreas 1, 97-143.

Coope, G.R., Dickson, J.H., Jones, R.L., Keen, D.H., 1987. The flora and fauna of late Pleistocene deposits on the Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 315, 231-265

Coope, G.R., Dickson, J.H., McCutcheon, J.A., Mitchell, G.A., 1979.The Lateglacial and early Postglacial deposit at Drumurcher, Co. Monaghan. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Series B 79, 63-85.

Coope, G.R., Elias, S.A., 2000. The environment of Upper Paleolithic (Magdalenian and Azilian) hunters at Hauterive-Champréveyres, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, interpreted from coleopteran remains. Journal of Quaternary Science 15, 157-175.

Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Gibbard, P.L., Greenwood, M., Richards, A. E., 2002. Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of Middle Pleistocene river sediment in the Mathon Member, at Mathon, Herefordshire, England. Proceedings of the GeologistsÒ Association 113, 237-258.

Coope, G.R., Gibbard, P.L., Hall, A.R., Preece, R.C., Robinson, J.E., Sutcliffe, A.J., 1997. Climatic and environmental reconstructions based on fossil assemblages from Middle Devensian (Weichselian) deposits of the river Thames at South Kensington, central London, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 16, 1163-1195.

Coope, G.R., Jones, R.L., Keen, D.H., Waton, P.V., 1985. The flora and fauna of Late Pleistocene deposits in St. Aubins Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 96, 315-324.

Coope, G.R., Joachim, M.J., 1980. Lateglacial environmental changes interpreted from fossil Coleoptera from St. Bees, Cumbria, NW England. In: Lowe, J.J., Gray, J.M., Robinson, J.E. (Eds), Studies in the Lateglacial of Northwest Europe. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 55-68.

Coope, G.R., Jones, R.L., Keen, D. ., 1980. The palaeoecology and age of peat at Fliquet Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands. Journal of Biogeography 7, 187-195.

Coope, G.R., Lemdahl, G., 1995. Regional differences in the Lateglacial climate of northern Europe based on coleopteran analysis. Journal of Quaternary Science 10, 391-395.

Coope, G.R., Lemdahl, G., Lowe, J.J., Walkling, A., 1998. Temperature gradients in northern Europe during the last glacial-Holocene transition (14-9 14C kyr BP) interpreted from coleopteran assemblages. Journal of Quaternary Science 13, 419-433.

Coope, G.R., Osborne, P.J., 1968. Report on the coleopterous fauna of the Roman well at Barnsley Park, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 86, 84-87.

Coope, G.R., Sands, C.H.S., 1963. The discovery, in British late Pleistocene deposits, of the extinct species Helophorus wandereri d'Orch. (Col. Hydrophilidae). Opuscula Entomologica 28, 94-96.

Coope, G.R., Sands, C.H., 1966. Insect faunas of the last glaciation from the Tame Valley, Warwickshire. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 165, 389-412.

Coope, G.R., Tallon, P.W.J., 1983. A full glacial insect fauna from the Lea Valley, Enfield, North London. Quaternary Newsletter 40, 7-12.

Coope, G.R., Shotton, F.W., Strachan, I., 1961. A Late Pleistocene fauna and flora from Upton Warren, Worcestershire. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 244, 379-417.

Coope, R.C., 2007. A preliminary investigation of the food and feeding behaviour of Pine Martens (Martes martes) in productive forestry from an analysis of the content of their scats collected in Inchnacardoch forest, Fort Agustus. Scottish Forestry 61, 3-14.

Damblon, F., Coope, G.R., Osborne, P.J., 1977. Paleoecological studies of peat bogs in the High Ardenne. Proceedings of the X INQUA Congress, Birmingham. Geobooks, Norwich, p. 101.

Davey, N.D.W., Bridgland, D.R., Keen, D.H., Coope, G.R., Seddon, M.B., Holyoak, D., 1991. Maxey gravel pit, near Peterborough TF1307. In: Lewis S.G., (Ed.) Central East Anglia and the Fen Basin: field guide. Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge, pp. 185-208.

De Rouffignac, C., Bowen, D.Q., Coope, G.R., Keen, D.H., Lister, A.M., Maddy, D., Robinson, J.E., Sykes, G.A., Walker, M.J.C., 1995. Late Middle Pleistocene interglacial deposits at Upper Strensham, Worcestershire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 10, 15-31.

Franks, J.W., Sutcliffe, A., Kerney, M., Coope, G.R., 1958. Haunt of Elephant and Rhinoceros: The Trafalgar Square of 100,000 years ago. Illustrated London News, June 14 issue.

Gao, C., Keen, D.H., Boreham, S., Coope, G.R., Pettit, M.E., Stuart, A.J., Gibbard, P.L., 2000. Last Interglacial and Devensian deposits of the River Great Ouse at Woolpack Farm, Fenstanton, Camridgeshire, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 19, 787-810.

Gao, C., Coope, G.R., Keen, D.H., Petit, M.E., 1998. Middle Devensian deposits of the Ivel Valley at Sandy, Bedfordshire, England. Proceedings of the GeologistÒs Association 109, 127-137.

Gaunt, G.D., Coope, G.R., Franks, J.W., 1970. Quaternary deposits at Oxbow opencast coal site in the Aire Valley, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 38, 175-200.

Gaunt, G.D., Coope, G.R., Osborne, P.J., Franks, J.W., 1972. An interglacial deposit near Austerfield, southern Yorkshire. Institute of Geological Sciences Report 72/4.

Gibbard, P.L., Coope, G.R., Hall, A.R., Pierce, R.C., Robinson, J.E., 1981. Middle Devensian deposits beneath the "Upper Floodplain" terrace of the River Thames at Kempton Park, Sunbury, England. Proceedings of the Geological Association 93, 275-289.

Green, C.P., Branch, N.P., Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Keen, D.H., Wells, J.M., Schwenninger, J.-L., Preece, R.C., Schreve, D.C., Canti, M.G., Gleed-Owen, C.P., 2006. Marine Isotope Stage 9 environments of fluvial deposits at Hackney, north London, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 89-113.

Green, C.P., Coope, G.R., Currant, A.P., Holyoak, D.T., Ivanovich, M., Jones, R.L., Keen, D.H., McGregor, D.F., Robinson, J.E., 1984. Evidence of two temperate episodes in late Pleistocene deposits at Marsworth, UK. Nature 309, 778-781.

Green, C.P., Coope, G.R., Jones, R.L., Keen, D.H., Bowen, D.Q., Currant, A.P., Holyoak, D.T., Ivanovich, M., Robinson, J.E., Rogerson, R.J., Young, R.C., 1996. Pleistocene deposits at Stoke Goldington, in the valley of the Great Ouse, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science 11, 59-87.

Helle, M., Sonstegaard, E., Coope, G.R., Rye, N., 1981. Early Weichselian peat at Brumunddal, southeastern Norway. Boreas 10, 369-379.

Hodgins, G.W.L., Thorpe, J.L., Coope, G.R., Hedges, R.E.M., 2001. Protocol development for purification and characterization of sub-fossil insect chitin for stable isotopic analysis and radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon 43, 199-208.

Horton, A., Keen, D.H., Field, M.H., Robinson, J.E., Coope, G.R., Currant, A.P., Graham, D.K., Green, C.P., Phillips, L.M., 1992. The Hoxnian Interglacial deposits at Woodston, Peterborough. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 338, 131-164.

Hutchinson, J.N., Coope, G. R., 2002. Cambering and valley bulging, periglacial solifluction and Lateglacial Coleoptera at Dowdeswell, near Cheltenham. Proceedings of the GeologistsÒ Association 113, 291-300.

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Jost-Stauffer, M., Coope, G.R., Schlüchter, C., 2005. Environmental and climatic reconstructions during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 from Gossau, Swiss Midlands, based on coleopteran assemblages. Boreas 34, 53-60.

Kasse, C., Huitzer, A. S., Krzyszkowski, D., Bohncke, S.J.P., Coope, G.R., 1998. Weichselian Late-Pleniglacial and Late-Glacial depositional environment, Coleoptera and periglacial climate records from central Poland (Belchatów). Journal of Quaternary Science 13, 455-469.

Keen, D.H., Bateman, M.D., Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Langford, H.E., Merry, J.S., Mighall, T.M., 1999. Sedimentology, palaeoecology and geochronology of Last Interglacial deposits from Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 14, 411-436.

Keen, D.H., Coope, G.R., Jones, R.L., Field, M.H., Griffiths, H.I., Lewis, S.G., Bowen, D.Q., 1997. Middle Pleistocene deposits at Frog Hall Pit, Stetton-on-Dunsmore, Warwickshire, Englidh Midlands, and their implications for the age of the type Wolstonian. Journal of Quaternary Science 12, 183-208.

Lemdahl, G., Coope. G.R., 2007. Beetle records: Late Pleistocene of Europe. In: Elias, S.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 190-196.

Lewis, S.G., Maddy, D., Buckingham, C., Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Keen, D.H., Roe, D. A. Scaife, R.G., Scott, K., 2006. Pleistocene fluvial sediments, palaeontology and archaeology of the upper River Thames at Latton, Wiltshire, England. Journal of Quaternary Science 21, 181-205.

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Lowe, J.J., Coope, G.R., Sheldrick, C., Harkness, D.D., Walker, M.J.C., 1995. Direct comparison of UK temperatures and Greenland snow accumulation rates, 15000-12000 yr ago. Journal of Quaternary Science 10, 175-180.

Maddy, D., Coope, G.R., Gibbard, P.L., Green, C.P., Lewis, S.G., 1994. Reappraisal of Middle Pleistocene fluvial deposits near Brandon, Warwickshire and their significance for the Wolston glacial sequence. Journal of the Geological Society 151, 221-233.

Maddy, D., Lewis, S.G., Scaife, R.G., Bowen, D.Q., Coope, G.R., Green, C.P., Hardaker, T., Keen, D.H., Rees-Jones, J., Parfitt, S., Scott, K., 1998. The Upper Pleistocene deposits at Cassington, near Oxford, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science 13, 205-231.

McCabe, A.M., Coope, G.R., Gennard, D.E., Doughty, P., 1987. Freshwater organic deposits and stratified sediments between Early and Late Midlandian (Devensian) till sheets, at Aghnadarragh, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Journal of Quaternary Science 2, 11-33.

Merritt, J.W., Coope, G.R., Taylor, B.J., Walker, M.J.C., 1990. Late Devensian organic deposits beneath till in the Teith Valley, Perthshire. Scottish Geological Magazine 26, 15-24.

Merritt, J.W., Coope, G.R., Walker, M.J.C., 2003. The Torrie Late-Glacial organic site and Auchenlaich Pit, Callander. In: Evans, D.A. (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland boundary, Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 126-133.

Nelson, R.E., Coope, G.R., 1982. A Late-Pleistocene insect fauna from Seattle, Washington. American Quaternary Association, Seventh Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Abstracts and Program, p. 146.

Parfitt, S.A., Barendregt, R.W., Breda, M., Candy, I., Collins, M.J., Coope, G.R., Durbridge, P., Field, M.H., Lee, J.R., Lister, A.M., Mutch, R., Penkman, K.E.H., Preece, R.C., Rose, J., Stringer, C.B., Symmonds, R., Whitaker, J.E.P., Wymer, J.J., Stuart, A.J., 2005. The earliest humans in Northern Europs: artefacts from the Cromer Forest Formation at Pakefield. Nature 438, 1008-1012.

Penny, L.F., Coope, G.R., Catt, J.A., 1969. The age and insect fauna of the Dimlington silts, east Yorkshire. Nature 224, 65-67.

Ponel, P., Coope, G.R., 1990. Lateglacial and early Flandrian Coleoptera from La Taphanel, Massif Central, France: climatic and ecological implications. Journal of Quaternary Science 5, 235-249.

Ponel, P., Coope, G.R., Antoine, P., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Leroyer, C., Munaut, A.V., Pastre, J.F., Guiter, F., 2005. Lateglacial palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates from Conty and Houdancourt, northern France, reconstructed from beetle remains. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2449-2465.

Ponel, P., Coope, G.R., Andrieu-Ponel, V., Reille, M., 1999. Coleopteran evidence for a mosaic of environments at high altitude in the Eastern Pyrénées, France during the climatic transition between the Allerød and Younger Dryas. Journal of Quaternary Science 14, 169-174.

Roe, H. M., Coope, G. R., Devoy, R. J. N., Harrison, C. J. O., Penkman, K. E. H., Preece, R. C., and Schreve, D. C., 2009. Differentiation of MIS 9 and MIS 11 in the continental record: vegetational, faunal, aminostratigraphic and sea-level evidence from coastal sites in Essex, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 28: 2342-2373.

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