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In Memory of Fabio Cassola (1938 - 2016)

14 января 2016 г. на 78-м году жизни, после продолжительной болезни скончался известный итальянский энтомолог
Фабио Кассола
(Fabio Cassola).

Сферой научных интересов Фабио были жуки-скакуны, изучению которых он посвятил всю свою жизнь. По завещанию обширная его коллекция будет передана в Городской Зоологический Музей Рима (Museo Civico di Zoologia, Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 18, Rome-Italy), где будет храниться как самостоятельная единица под названием "Коллекция жуков-скакунов Мира, собранная Фабио Кассола" ("Collezione Fabio Cassola dei Coleotteri Cicindelidi del mondo").

Светлую память о Фабио Кассола сохранят все знавшие его люди.

Андрей Маталин


Это письмо разослал основным корреспондентам Фабио Кассола его сын - Бруно.

Dear Sirs,

on behalf of my mother Paola and my brother Mauro I have to inform you that my father, Fabio Cassola, passed away on last 14th January 2016. As you may know, he suffered from a severe form of Parkinson's desease that inhibited him in the last months to work on his beloved Tiger Beetles (Cicindelidae).

Please note that it was my father himself to decide to donate his private wide collection of Tiger Beetles (one of the most important private ones in the world) to the Museo Civico di Zoologia (Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 18, Rome-Italy) in order to maximize its scientific usage. We are defining with this Institution how and when to transfer the whole collection that will be saved as a unique entity ("Collezione Fabio Cassola dei Coleotteri Cicindelidi del mondo"). This means that in a near future you can directly contact the Roman Museo Civico di Zoologia for any scientific purposes.

I please ask you to provide this information to your contacts that could be interested. Considering that Fabio Cassola spent his whole life on studying Tiger Beetles with some success and with many scientific publications, we want to allow the present and future experts and scientists to make profit of his scientific heritage.

More, as I am not part of the scientific community (my father was!), I will highly appreciate if you will address me any text, article or information that will be published in a near future regarding Fabio Cassola's work and life.

I am at your disposal for any further information. Please refer to and

Best regards, Bruno Cassola