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List of species of Kateretidae of Zhigulyev Nature Reserve

Kist of species of Kateretidae (COLEOPTERA)

of Zhigulyev Sprygin State Nature Reserve

(Samara Prov.)

A.S. Kurochkin


Kateretidae Erichson, 1843


Kateretes Herbst, 1793

  1. Kateretes pedicularius (Linnaeus, 1758)
  2. Heterhelus Jacquelin DuVal, 1858

  3. Heterhelus scutellaris (Heer, 1841)
  4. Brachypterus Kugelann, 1794

  5. Brachypterus fulvipes Erichson, 1843
  6. B. glaber Stephens, 1832
  7. B. urticae (Fabricius, 1792)
  8. Brachypterolus Grouvelle, 1913

  9. Brachypterolus pulicarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
  10. B. linariae (Stephens, 1830)





End of 2003