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S.I. Medvedev. Fauna USSR. Coleoptera. Vol. X(5). Fam. Scarabaeidae (2 subfamilies)…

From Library of Denis Potanin

С.И. Медведев
Пластинчатоусые (Scarabaeidae). Подсем. Cetoniinae, Valginae.
Фауна СССР. Жесткокрылые. Т. X, вып. 5. М.-Л., Изд. "Наука". 1964. 376 с.

PDF: fauna_ussr_x-5.pdf - 8.8 mb

Parts of the book:

Introduction, taxonomical index (P. 1-8).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p1-8.pdf

Subfam. Cetoniinae: Key to tribes (P. 9-33).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p9-33.pdf

Subfam. Cetoniinae: Tribe Goliathini (P. 33-68).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p33-68.pdf

Subfam. Cetoniinae: Tribe Gymnetini (P. 68-72).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p68-72.pdf

Subfam. Cetoniinae: Tribe Cetoniini (P. 72-324).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p72-324.pdf

Subfam. Cetoniinae: Tribe Cremastochilini (P. 324-341).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p324-341.pdf

Subfam. Valginae (P. 342-358).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p342-358.pdf

Index, Contents (P. 359-375).

PDF: Fauna_USSR_X-5_p359-375.pdf