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Genus Omositoidea (Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae: Nitidulini): atlas of extinct beetle taxa



Genus Omositoidea Schaufuss, 1892 (type species: Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892, monotype)








Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892 (Baltic amber)

Omositoidea pubescens Kirejtshuk et Poinar, 2007 (Baltic amber)



Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892, holotype (“Schlee #1”, collection Geologist-paleontology institute and museum of Hamburg university) ), body, from above; Upper Eocene, Baltic amber.
Photo by K. Grеn (Carsten Groehn, Hamburg)

Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892, holotype (“Schlee #1”, collection Geologist-paleontology institute and museum of Hamburg university), body, from below; Upper Eocene, Baltic amber.
Photo by K. Grеn (Carsten Groehn, Hamburg)

Omositoidea gigantea Schaufuss, 1892, holotype (“Schlee #1”, collection Geologist-paleontology institute and museum of Hamburg university), body, from below, as well as amber with holotype; Upper Eocene, Baltic amber.
Pictures from collection C. Schaufuss, from Geologist-paleontology institute and museum of Hamburg university.

Omositoidea pubescens Kirejtshuk et Poinar, 2007, holotype (“C-7-392”, collection of Oregon State University – Oregon State University, Corvallis), body, from above; Upper Eocene, Baltic amber.
photo by H. Taylor, Natural History Museum in London

Omositoidea pubescens Kirejtshuk et Poinar, 2007, holotype (“C-7-392”, collection of Oregon State University– Oregon State University, Corvallis), body, from below; Upper Eocene, Baltic amber.
Photo by H. Taylor, Natural History Museum in London






(Look also at the page Systematic list of fossil beetles of Cupedina, Carabina и Scarabaeina (1 part) )



as well as essay on sap beetles.



Кирейчук А.Г. Пойнар Дж. 2007. Виды двух палеоэндемичных родов жуков-блестянок трибы Nitidulini (Nitidulidae: Coleoptera) из балтийского и доминиканского янтаря. Палеонтологический журнал, N 6: 39-49. (английский перевод: Kirejtshuk A.G. & Poinar G. 2007. Species of two palaeoendemic genera of sap beetles of the tribe Nitidulini (Nitidulidae: Coleoptera) in Baltic and Dominican amber. Palaeontological Journal, 41, 6: 629-641).


Schaufuss C. 1892. Preussens Bernstein-Kaefer. I. Neue Formen aus der Helm'schen Sammlung im Danziger Provinzialmuseum. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift (1891). 36 (1): 53-64.