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Beetles of steppes

We have not yet received a special paper on steppe coleopterofauna so far, and we decided to give useful references for those who are interested in this issue. In our opinion the large work by S.I. Medvedev (1950) (more than 50 pages) written specially for the multi-volume edition "The Animal World of the USSR" and illustrated by his own original total drawings of 34 species of beetles of 14 families is an unsurpassed description of fauna of beetles of steppe regions of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhastan. Present information on steppes, prairies, and pampas of the Globe, their flora and fauna can be obtained from the recently published book "The Fate of Steppes", the well-known coleopterist V.G. Mordkovich being one of its authors. The former has become a bibliographic rarity a long time ago, the latter is still available and can be booked from the authors.

S.I. Medvedev - Coleoptera.
In: Zhivotnyi mir SSSR (The Animal World of the USSR), vol. 3. Zona stepei (Steppe Zone)
Moscow, Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1950, pp. 294-347 (bibliography 45 titles).

V.G. Mordkovich, A.M. Ghilarov, A.A. Tishkov, S.A. Balandin
Sud'ba stepei (The Fate of Steppes), Novosibirsk, 1997, 208 pp.